If you are looking for a “coupon clipper of a Real Estate Investment, this might be for you.

I got an update from the MLS that this duplex had come back on the market after being in escrow for a bit.
So when I rushed out earlier today to take a peek for myself there was a couple from Alabama who are moving here walking around the property. They have a son living here who told them about this place so I invited them for a peek with me.
Their names were Ken and Dewey(my middle name). After viewing this proerty, they were excited. To see for yourself, if you click on the link below you will get a video of the property.
Ken mentioned to me that he and his wife would like to live on one side and rent the other. He’s thinking he’d like to get a cash flow… basically have the other tenant pay his mortgage payment.
When I was speaking with him I wasn’t sure that was possible so I ran the numbers. I have a “pro-forma” analysis showing what your payments would be for this duplex assuming a 3.5% down payment, an FHA loan and a sales price of $245,000.
Get the pro-forma cash flow analysis here.
Let me know what you think…
In the mean time…?
Make it a great day…!
Ed Favinger, Broker, CRS, GRI, SFR favinger@rwnetwork.com 916-203-1260
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