Check out the Notes Below From a Property Manager & Landlord.
Let’s start with some credentials
I’ve been a landlord a long time now. This includes running properties that I have an ownership interest in and the Property Manager for other folks that either don’t have the time or inclination to deal with the day to day operations and/or interactions with Residents/Tenants.
Here are two common problems that we are encountering now. If you fall into one of these groups, I’m going to give you ideas to help you create a better rental application. I hope to help you here, so you can get a nice place and not settle for a run down property with a slum lord that is willing to take you after you’ve run out of options.
Got an Eviction on your Credit Report?
When calling a potential Landlord tell them you have an eviction if it’s been within the last 3 years. If you have re-establshed a good rental history for the last couple of years that does help… but be prepared to explain what happened. Our company will review each case, work with you if you have re-established a good rental history since and it’s verifiable.
Compenstating factors in your favor might be that you’ve been on the job for the last 2 or 3 years with the same company. To qualify you might be required to pay an increase in a “security deposit“. We typically charge a Security Deposit equal to one month’s rent. State Law, by the way, won’t allow a security deposit of more than twice the monthly rental amount for a vacant unit and three times the rental amount for a furnished rental.
If this is a recent event, say, within the last year and you have not re-establshed a good rental history…? You are going to have problems. You will need a co-signer and a have to pay a higher deposit in most cases.
You work for Cash or you are Self Employed:
I have to be honest with you here. If you don’t have a bank account and you pay for everything in “cash”, you will have to learn to live in crummy properties until you build up a “verifiable” long term rental history with a Landlord.
If I can’t verify your income because you don’t have a bank account showing consistant deposits and you have no “veriable” rental history…? These are real big red flags to me and just about any other landlord or property manager.
This is because our experience tells us, in most cases, with folks that fall into this category, they will have other issues and or problems as well. (I will write another article later on being a “good neighbor”.)
If you want to be able to rent a nice place from us, or any other Landlord, you’ll have to become a more involved person in society by getting a bank account. You will have to pay your bills on time and stay away from collections and be able to show us that you do make an income.
If you’d like to see our “qualifying criteria” you can click here.
Contact me anytime if you have questions.
Make it a great day
Ed Favinger, BROKER, CRS, GRI 916-203-1260
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