It’s a Landlord’s Market Right Now – And It’s only February – Now is the best time to buy .
Have you thought about Investing in the Sacramento Area’s Single Family Home Rental market, or maybe a Duplex, perhaps a Four Plex or even a Small Apartment Complex…? If you have, then let me show you how smart you would be if you were to buy in the Sacramento market today.
Usually this time of year when a tenant moves out and we have to get it re-rented it’s kind of slow and takes a little longer. Not this year though.
Our Property Management Company, Haven Properties has leased up in the month of January approximately 10 units.
That inventory included Single Family Home rentals in Folsom, Citrus Heights, a couple of 4 plex apartments in Rancho Cordova and several Duplex rentals in Citrus Heights, Sacramento and Fair Oaks.

Want more examples…?
Earlier today we had a gentlemen walk into our office with paper work to support his application that he had completed “on-line” at
We’ve had people call us regarding properties we’ve leased up over a month ago that are still on-line in various website portals that we syndicate to.
Another lady called me about 10 minutes ago as I write this looking for a house while she’s been living in a hotel for 3 months. I told her what I’ve told a lot of people trying to find a decent rental…“you have to almost know someone inside to find a decent place to rent.”
Bottom line, if you own a rental property now and you haven’t raised the rents in a while because you are worried about losing a tenant and not being able to re-rent again quickly…?
Forget about it because, mostly likely, the current tenant will stay unless they can’t afford it. The reason…? Once they start looking around, they will see they have a really good deal even if they have to pay a little more.
So… if you’re thinking of Investing in a Duplex, a Four-Plex, a Single Family Home rental or even a small apartment complex call me today and let me help you get the right Real Estate Investment for you.
Interest rates are low if you need financing. If you have a lot of $$$ in a low performing 401K, you might want to consider Rental Real Estate to see if it would perform better.
Please call or email me and let me show you how investing in the Residential Rental Market might be the best thing you ever did.
In the Mean Time…?
Make it a Great Day…!
Ed Favinger, Broker, CRS, GRI, SFR, CDPE 916-203-1260
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